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it is not the effort of just one single person that counts at Relief India Trust. It is a group effort by volunteer, donors and the Relief India Trust. It is not possible for anyone to do anything in isolation. Together, we can change the world.
Master Alfaiz

Age : 6 Years Sex : Male Master Alfaiz, 6 years old male child accidentally came in contact with fire while playing with friends and got burnt as the friends set fire in the garbage. He got approx. 35% thermal burn injuries on her back, hip, genital areas and legs areas. The nature of the...
Master Shivam

Age : 8 Years Sex : Male A 8 years old male child Master Shivam accidentally came in contact with hot water. As a result, he has sustained mostly 2nd and 3rd-degree approx. 30% thermal burn injuries on the hands, leg area, face, neck, shoulder and back areas. The parents are from an economically weaker...