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NGO Relief: Education is crucial for all individuals.

NGO Relief

In India, there are more than 281 million illiterate people. This highlights the poor condition of our nation and its primary source of growth, which is its people. The lack of education is not only a cause for concern but also a reason why there are no opportunities and resources for the less fortunate. Today, we will discuss how our NGO Relief is working to provide literacy to every single household.

NGO Relief: Education for All

According to Article 21-A of the Indian Constitution, education is a fundamental right and should be accessible to every individual. Children between the ages of 6 and 14 have the right to education. The government also supports this, but in India, financially disadvantaged families are unable to send their children to school due to high fees. Data shows that at least 35 million, and possibly as many as 60 million, children aged 6–14 years are not in school.

This highlights the modern era’s commercialization of education. In the past, education was pure and fair, without the burden of high fees. Now, education is often associated with status, wealth, and reputation. This poses a challenge for parents living in slums. Our NGO Relief plays a vital role in providing relief by making education accessible to everyone, especially disadvantaged children. 

The importance of education

  • The importance of education can be understood from simple facts. Without education, there is no employment in today’s world. Without employment, there is no source of income, and without income, there is no quality of life, food, health, and more. This also highlights the reasons behind poverty in India and the struggles of people in slums who are unable to improve their condition due to a lack of education and opportunities.
  • India is a democratic country where everyone has the right to do anything they wish. However, for underprivileged communities, it’s a battlefield, as they have to fight for every basic need in their day-to-day lives. They are unable to ensure a healthy life and struggle to progress in life. This is a concerning issue, and we are aware of the reasons behind the lack of progress in the educational sector in India. Firstly, there are social stigmas, a lack of awareness, a lack of infrastructure, and a poor mentality.
  • Girls mainly become victims of these issues as boys are prioritized for education in India. According to the National Sample Survey Office, 15.1 million girls in India are out of school as of 2021. Additionally, parents in rural areas often discourage their children from pursuing education, believing it is not essential. It is important to promote the significance of education in making society and individuals better, as education is the key to success and peace.

Education empowers youth and women.

Our NGO Relief aims to provide education for youth and children because we believe that education not only helps break the cycle of poverty and enables individuals to gain skills and earn a living, but it also transforms a person’s entire identity by shaping their inner and outer character. Education is especially crucial for women and youth, as it can be a life-changing turning point. It empowers women to become independent and helps youth gain the skills to become self-reliant.

According to the Ministry of Education’s All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2021–2022, female enrollment in higher education increased to 2.07 crore in 2021–22 from 1.57 crore in 2014–15, which is a 32 percent increase. This significant advancement in education for women demonstrates a positive shift in their mentality and their ability to seize new opportunities. Education helps women and youth make decisions in their favor, leading to a safer and higher-quality lifestyle for everyone.

NGO Relief support

As Relief India Trust non-governmental organization in India. We are committed to improving the lives of people in slums through our initiatives. We prioritize education as a vital aspect of human life, promoting it on a large scale through education camps and free study materials for underprivileged children. Additionally, we offer scholarships to exceptional students and support schools in their infrastructure development, ensuring there are no barriers to education.

We also run awareness camps to educate parents and individuals about the importance of education. Empowering children to transform their lives. Furthermore, we provide education and vocational training to women in slums. Including tailoring and crafting, enabling them to become independent and self-sufficient individuals.


Our NGO believes that education is a vital tool for personal growth. Not just for children but for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. We firmly believe that literacy is a lifelong opportunity, regardless of age, gender, or socioeconomic status. Through our various programs, we aim to provide quality education to underprivileged communities. Empowering them to improve their lives and break the cycle of poverty. Our mission is to bring about a positive change in society, and we are committed to making a lasting impact.

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